Showing posts with label Poem's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poem's. Show all posts

Thursday, January 25, 2024

I waged a war with memories, a brave and noble fight,

To purge you from my history, from morning into night.

Deleted every trace, from Valentine's to mistletoe,

Our weekend escapades, now just a vanishing echo.

I stumbled upon relics, in every nook and cranny,

Photos, gifts, and trinkets, more abundant than a granny's.

Each a painful reminder of the circus you had led,

But I juggled all those sorrows and tossed them out instead.

At first, each deletion felt like a prickly thorn,

But with every swipe, a new me was born.

Now I live in technicolor, no more monochrome days,

Since you're not my future Mrs., life's a dazzling maze.

I once thought you were it, the endgame, the final round,

But you turned out to be a clown, not worth a single pound.

A farewell to the drama queen, with her crown of lies,

I've traded your masquerade for clear, unclouded skies.

Now I salsa solo, under the moon's radiant gleam,

No longer trapped in your telenovela, or so it would seem.

I've found solace in the silence, laughter in the breeze,

Life's a solo concert now, and I play with ease.

Gone are the nights, soaked in sorrow's rain,

Now my chuckles echo, free from your chain.

In solitude I've blossomed, in quietude I thrive,

Away from your chaos, I'm jubilantly alive.

So here's to my rebirth, from your ashes I ascend,

To a future untainted, no need to pretend.

To the love yet to come, to hearts yet to meet,

In a life sans you, every moment is sweet.

I'll toast to this finale, to my heart's great escape,

From your twisted script, I'm now in great shape.

Your ghost fades in my rearview, a mere speck in the night,

As I speed towards dawn, in my newfound light.

Monday, January 22, 2024

I Don't Belong

Oh, how I yearn to find my place,  
To be embraced, in warm regard's grace.  
Longing to be wanted, needed, in the chase,  
Yet, it seems, life's embrace never takes place.

Am I blind to my own life's tale?  
Have I trodden paths that make hearts frail?  
Never meant harm, not in my script,  
Always gave, even when my own pockets were stripped.

Shared my shirt, my last dime, my meal,  
Hoping kindness would heal, seal the deal.  
Yet, in these twilight years, I'm painted a fiend,  
A monster in stories, not as kind as I seemed.

Why this twist in life's cruel play?  
I just want love, not to be cast away.  
To be wanted, cherished, a part of the weave,  
Not left alone with my soul to grieve.

But here I stand, in life's relentless gale,  
Telling my tale, not a hero, nor a fail.  
Just a man with a heart, in life's complex plot,  
Seeking love, warmth, in the cold life's got.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

You Taught Me Well

When you came into my life, I had zilch, nada, not a thing to give,  
Just an empty heart, with no more tricks up its sleeve.  
Tried to push you away, but you stuck like glue,  
There in the trenches, just us two.  

We were both broken, a pair of misfits in a play,  
But I couldn’t run, no, not away,  
‘Cause you, oh crafty one, had my heartstrings in a bind,  
Showed me love, made me feel, left the darkness behind.  

You lit up my world, gave me a reason to sing,  
But damn, heartbreak came and clipped my wing.  
It's crippling, soul-sapping, leaves me reeling and raw,  
Because with you, I thought I’d found what I never saw.  

I felt safe, unbreakable, like a fortress of steel,  
You made promises, painted dreams, made it all feel real.  
Dropped my guard, fell hard, in love and then some,  
Just to be shattered, left in pieces, feeling dumb.  

It wasn’t just leaving, oh no, you took it up a notch,  
Spread lies, rumors, couldn’t even face the watch.  
No closure, no goodbyes, just a void, an empty space,  
Reminded me of that courtroom, a kid lost in the race.  

It’s a puzzle, a riddle, why you did what you did,  
I would have laid down my life, but you flipped the lid.  
Goodbye’s hard when it’s one-sided, echoes in the hall,  
A lesson learned, a truth burned, in love’s torturous squall.  

You taught me, oh yes, what to dodge in another,  
To shield my heart, to never fully uncover.  
I’d choose solitude, a lone wolf’s path,  
Over the turmoil, the aftermath, of your heart’s wrath.  

The odds of finding another venomous sting?  
Slim to none, not a chance, not a fling.  
So here I stand, bruised but breathing, in life’s grand tapestry,  
A wiser man, a guarded heart, in love’s twisted fantasy.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Hide And Seek

In the cradle of time, they whispered a tale,  
Two souls split at birth, a mystic, eternal gale.  
Wandering the Earth, seeking their missing part,  
A journey through life, a quest of the heart.

Why do you play this cruel game, hide and seek?  
Leading me astray, when it's you I earnestly seek.  
Women, like mirages, offer temporary delight,  
But in their embrace, something doesn't feel right.

They promise moons and stars, a love that never fails,  
Yet in their arms, I find not the end of my trails.  
I've given them my all, with a hope so blind,  
Searching for you, in them, I yearned to find.

I hunger for you, more than the feast of kings,  
Thirst for your presence, more than earthly springs.  
A desire deeper than the quest for gold,  
For in your arms, I'll find peace untold.

I dream of the day when our souls intertwine,  
When your heart beats in rhythm with mine.  
In your eyes, I'll see the universe's expanse,  
In your embrace, find life's ultimate romance.

For in finding you, all chaos will cease,  
In our union, I'll find my long-sought peace.  
Every trial, every tear, every heartache and strife,  
Will fade into nothing, in the light of our life.

So, where are you, my elusive other half?  
Why does this journey seem like a never-ending path?  
But I'll keep searching, through each twist and turn,  
For in finding you, my soul will finally learn.

That every heartbreak was a guiding star,  
Leading me to where you eternally are.  
And when our souls finally unite and dance,  
I'll know, every step was worth the chance.

Sunday, January 7, 2024



In the whirlwind of my mind's unrest,

I harbor anger in my chest.

Trying to shield, to fend, to fight,

Yet inside, it dims my light.

A confession, mighty, lurks within,

Admitting it feels like a sin.

A paradox in my soul's night,

A truth my words dare not recite.

I'm fed opposites, a complex game,

Yet the truth remains the same.

I love her, in pain's sharp bite,

In chaos's dance, in fear's flight.

Eyes closed, I seek a flaw, a crack,

But her image pushes darkness back.

Her smile, her touch, her laugh so bright,

In my bitterness, they're my light.

At a crossroads, torn and frayed,

My feelings, a secret, heavily weighed.

In whispers, in roars, they yearn to be free,

Yet I cage them, in silent decree.

In solitude's grasp, I face my fears,

Love's revelation, through unshed tears.

Terrifying, yet it soars, it takes flight,

In my quiet battle, in my heart's plight.

How to embrace what feels like betrayal?

How to admit, and not feel frail?

These questions, they haunt, they keep me awake,

In my heart's labyrinth, in my mind's quake.

These words, a journey, not seeking an end,

But a path to understanding, to slowly mend.

Perhaps courage will come, in day or in night,

Until then, I battle, in my inner fight.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Oh My Young Poster Child

In the shadowed depths of love's cruel jest,  
I sit and ponder, heart heavy in my chest.  
Why does this pain, like a ravenous beast,  
Gnaw at my soul, never ceasing, never ceased?

We were fragments, broken yet bold,  
Merging in a story, falsely told.  
Cosmically destined, or so I believed,  
In your web of deceit, thoroughly deceived.

You slithered in, a serpent's grace,  
Wedging between my children, a darkened space.  
My ex, now distant, a gaze turned cold,  
In your game of control, a pawn you boldly hold.

Cowardice, your cloak, evasion your art,  
Leaving me shattered, a broken heart.  
But hear me now, as I reclaim my throne,  
In this life's play, I shall prosper alone.

Your memory, a shadow, dark and grim,  
A reminder of hate, on the brim.  
A lesson in what not to seek, not to find,  
A warning to friends, of your kind unkind.

Poster child of heartache, bearer of deceit,  
In your absence, my triumph, bitter yet sweet.  
Though you haunt my thoughts, in disdain, not regret,  
It's in forgetting you, my final bet.

Friday, December 1, 2023

The Harlot

 In lands of shadows, where darkness dwells,

A harlot arose, with wicked spells.

From Venezuela's shores, she crossed the seas,

A temptress of souls, with a devil's decree.

With eyes like embers, and lips like sin,

She whispered secrets, her victims to win.

Promising pleasures, banishing fear,

She ensnared their hearts, drawing them near.

But in her embrace, their souls she stole,

Leaving them empty, their spirits cold.

She spread her poison, her darkness grew,

Corrupting the land, tainting the true.

But we shall awaken, our eyes unveiled,

The harlot's deception, no longer concealed.

We'll rise together, our voices strong,

And banish her darkness, where she belongs.

We'll keep our country, pure and bright,

Where goodness flourishes, and virtue takes flight.

No harlot's touch shall taint our land,

Our spirits united, forever we'll stand.

So let us raise our voices high,

And send the harlot back to the sky.

For America's soul, we'll forever fight,

A beacon of hope, a shining light.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Her Reaction

In the depths of my mind, where nightmares reside,
A truth I concealed, a secret that I tried to hide.
Borderline's hold on me, a tempestuous sway,
A storm raging in my soul, day after day.

I gathered my courage, with a quivering heart,
To reveal the painful truth, a piece of my art. 
I told you my struggle, the chaos deep within,
Hoping for your understanding, and another chance to begin.

But your sudden reaction, a fatal blow so severe,
Laughing and scoffing, my heart filled with fear.
"Another mental case," in your words cut like a knife,
You Pierced my spirit, severing any future life.

Why was I honest, why did I even confide?
Was it a desperate plea for connection, a solace to hide.
I yearned for your acceptance, for you to see
The depths of my being, the real me.

But your rejection, a wound you created so profound,
A reminder of my endless isolation, a love that was drowned.
I'm left with shattered  fragments, the million pieces of me,
A shattered reflection of what used to be, a lost melody.

Thursday, November 2, 2023


 In the depths of my heart, a wound so deep,

A betrayal so profound, I cannot sleep.

She, who I trusted, with a smile so bright,

Turned out to be a shadow, cloaked in night.

With lies in her eyes, and venom in her tongue,

She weaved a web of deceit, where I was strung.

She played the part, a friend so true,

While her heart was plotting, what she'd do.

She feigned affection, a confidante's guise,

All the while, her blade was poised to rise.

She stole my love, my trust, my very soul,

Leaving me shattered, a gaping hole.

Her actions echoed, a ripple's effect,

Causing pain and sorrow, I can't forget.

She built a wall, a fortress of lies,

Where love and trust could never arise.

She poisoned the well, where hearts once drank,

Leaving bitterness and despair, on life's blank plank.

Her life-stealing ways, a venomous art,

Tore apart the fabric, of a loving heart.

Oh, the pain she inflicted, beyond belief,

A wound so deep, it cuts like a reef.

She shattered my faith, in all that's good,

Leaving me stranded, in a misunderstood.

But from the ashes, I'll rise anew,

With a heart guarded, and a spirit true.

I'll mend the wounds, and find my way,

To a love that's pure, and a brighter day.

For I know that I'm worthy, of love's embrace,

A love that's honest, and full of grace.

And though she tried to break me, I'll stand tall,

For I'm stronger than her, I'll conquer all.

Monday, March 30, 2020

I Am Bipolar

I distrust my sanity and reflect on what i would feel like if I were normal

there is a deranged voice in my head that in no way can be me because it's dark and paranormal

there's haze in my head that stifles my thoughts and turns them too rubble

I ache to be sane and a little bit normal unlike my hellish evil double

I am Bipolar


I lie and pretend I am like everyone else in this erratic world

I feel bewildered, and my mind is always all twirled

where is my voice of reason and why is it always so distant with taunts from afar

I now have to worry that this fucked up sickness is forever a scar

I am Bipolar


I don't understand why can't be something environmental

I'm okay with setting the demons free as long as no one gets hurt it's not detrimental

I continuously dream of my unwanted adolescent hell

I'm trying to forget and let my mind be temporarily well

I am Bipolar

Patientce Is a Virtue

For the longest time, it felt like I was fighting an uphill battle, constantly pushing forward without seeing much progress. But...