Sunday, November 26, 2023

Her Reaction

In the depths of my mind, where nightmares reside,
A truth I concealed, a secret that I tried to hide.
Borderline's hold on me, a tempestuous sway,
A storm raging in my soul, day after day.

I gathered my courage, with a quivering heart,
To reveal the painful truth, a piece of my art. 
I told you my struggle, the chaos deep within,
Hoping for your understanding, and another chance to begin.

But your sudden reaction, a fatal blow so severe,
Laughing and scoffing, my heart filled with fear.
"Another mental case," in your words cut like a knife,
You Pierced my spirit, severing any future life.

Why was I honest, why did I even confide?
Was it a desperate plea for connection, a solace to hide.
I yearned for your acceptance, for you to see
The depths of my being, the real me.

But your rejection, a wound you created so profound,
A reminder of my endless isolation, a love that was drowned.
I'm left with shattered  fragments, the million pieces of me,
A shattered reflection of what used to be, a lost melody.

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