Monday, January 22, 2024

I Don't Belong

Oh, how I yearn to find my place,  
To be embraced, in warm regard's grace.  
Longing to be wanted, needed, in the chase,  
Yet, it seems, life's embrace never takes place.

Am I blind to my own life's tale?  
Have I trodden paths that make hearts frail?  
Never meant harm, not in my script,  
Always gave, even when my own pockets were stripped.

Shared my shirt, my last dime, my meal,  
Hoping kindness would heal, seal the deal.  
Yet, in these twilight years, I'm painted a fiend,  
A monster in stories, not as kind as I seemed.

Why this twist in life's cruel play?  
I just want love, not to be cast away.  
To be wanted, cherished, a part of the weave,  
Not left alone with my soul to grieve.

But here I stand, in life's relentless gale,  
Telling my tale, not a hero, nor a fail.  
Just a man with a heart, in life's complex plot,  
Seeking love, warmth, in the cold life's got.

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