Friday, January 19, 2024

Hide And Seek

In the cradle of time, they whispered a tale,  
Two souls split at birth, a mystic, eternal gale.  
Wandering the Earth, seeking their missing part,  
A journey through life, a quest of the heart.

Why do you play this cruel game, hide and seek?  
Leading me astray, when it's you I earnestly seek.  
Women, like mirages, offer temporary delight,  
But in their embrace, something doesn't feel right.

They promise moons and stars, a love that never fails,  
Yet in their arms, I find not the end of my trails.  
I've given them my all, with a hope so blind,  
Searching for you, in them, I yearned to find.

I hunger for you, more than the feast of kings,  
Thirst for your presence, more than earthly springs.  
A desire deeper than the quest for gold,  
For in your arms, I'll find peace untold.

I dream of the day when our souls intertwine,  
When your heart beats in rhythm with mine.  
In your eyes, I'll see the universe's expanse,  
In your embrace, find life's ultimate romance.

For in finding you, all chaos will cease,  
In our union, I'll find my long-sought peace.  
Every trial, every tear, every heartache and strife,  
Will fade into nothing, in the light of our life.

So, where are you, my elusive other half?  
Why does this journey seem like a never-ending path?  
But I'll keep searching, through each twist and turn,  
For in finding you, my soul will finally learn.

That every heartbreak was a guiding star,  
Leading me to where you eternally are.  
And when our souls finally unite and dance,  
I'll know, every step was worth the chance.

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