Monday, May 20, 2024

Dear dad

Dear Dad,

It’s been five years since you left us, and not a day goes by that I don’t think about you. They say time heals all wounds, but this one still aches deeply. Losing you was like losing a part of my soul—my hero, my friend, my preacher, and my confidant. You were my guiding light, and for a while after you passed, it felt like that light went out.

In those initial days, weeks, and months, even years, I was lost. Everything you ever taught me seemed to vanish into the void of grief. I struggled to find my way without you here to guide me. It was like all the wisdom you imparted slipped through my fingers, and I felt adrift in a sea of sorrow and confusion.

But Dad, I want you to know that you didn’t waste your breath. Your lessons, your values, your virtues—they’ve all come flooding back to me. Slowly but surely, they’ve resurfaced, helping me find my way again. I can feel your presence in everything I do, in every choice I make, and in every challenge I face.

I’m becoming stronger and more resilient than I’ve ever been. I’m rediscovering the strength you always believed I had, the strength you nurtured and encouraged. Your faith in me, even in your absence, has been a powerful force driving me forward. I’m finding my footing and standing tall, just like you always wanted me to.

As I navigate this journey of life without you, I want you to look down from the stars and smile. I want you to know that your efforts were not in vain. You did right by me, Dad. You instilled in me virtues and values that are now the bedrock of my character. They are the compass that guides me, the foundation upon which I build my life.

I promise to carry forward everything you taught me. I will honor your memory by living a life of integrity, kindness, and resilience. I will strive to be the person you always knew I could be, the person you helped shape with your love and guidance.

Thank you for being the best dad anyone could ask for. Thank you for your endless love, your unwavering support, and your timeless wisdom. I miss you every day, but I know you’re with me in spirit, watching over me, guiding me, and cheering me on.

Until we meet again, keep smiling down on me from the stars.

With all my love,


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