Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Where Are You?

Where are you? Why do you remain a whisper in the wind, a phantom in the night? I've stumbled through life, grasping at echoes of love, only to find emptiness in their wake.

I thought I found solace in fleeting embraces, in words that promised eternity but delivered only echoes. Each time I dared to hope, the illusion shattered, leaving me more broken than before.

But amidst the wreckage of my heart, a glimmer of longing remains. For I yearn not for falsehoods, but for the genuine warmth of a love that knows no bounds.

I dream of a love that weaves itself into the fabric of my existence, a love that is as constant as the beating of my heart. I ache for the touch of a hand that promises forever, for lips that speak truth in a world of lies.

Why do you elude me, my elusive muse? Have I not traversed the depths of despair, searching for you in every corner of my soul? Have I not shed enough tears to fill an ocean, pleading for your presence in my life?

But even as I stand on the precipice of despair, I refuse to surrender to the darkness. For I believe, with every fiber of my being, that somewhere out there, you await me, just as I await you.

So let us not lose faith, my love. Let us hold onto hope, even in the face of uncertainty. For I know that when our paths finally converge, it will be a meeting of souls destined to intertwine for all eternity.

Until that day comes, I will wait. With open arms and a heart overflowing with love, I will wait for you, my one true love. For in you, I find solace. In you, I find home.

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