Thursday, January 11, 2024

My New Song

**(Verse 1)
Back in the days, I was the joker, the life of the party,  
Spreading joy like wildfire, never tardy.  
I'd give you my shirt, my last dime, no debate,  
Sharing my plate, opening my gate.

But remember me, oh remember me,  
Not for the shadows, but for the glee.  
For the laughs, the jokes, under the sun's beam,  
Echoes of laughter, that was my dream.

**(Verse 2)
I was the guy, the one with the wide grin,  
Helping out, pulling you in.  
My wallet was thin, but my heart was fat,  
For a friend in need, I was always at bat.

But remember me, oh remember me,  
Not for the scars, but the joy spree.  
For the times I stood, when you needed a hand,  
In laughter and love, that's where I stand.

But where were you, when the night got cold?  
When my demons danced, bold and untold.  
In the dark, battling my silent fight,  
Longing for a hand, in the endless night.

**(Verse 3)
I fought alone, with shadows in my head,  
Wrestling thoughts, lying awake in bed.  
I yearned for a laugh, a joke, just a smile,  
A moment of peace, just for a while.

So remember me, oh remember me,  
For the laughter, the light, how I wished to be.  
In the echoes of joy, in the tales of yore,  
Remember me, for just that, nothing more.

As the curtain falls, and the lights dim low,  
Remember the laughter, let the sadness go.  
For in every joke, in every shared delight,  
There I'll be, shining ever so bright.

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