Monday, January 1, 2024

Dear Dad

Dear Dad,

It's me. And yeah, I know you're probably up there shaking your head, thinking, "What's this knucklehead up to now?" But hear me out. Things down here have been... well, a bit of a mess. I thought I had it all figured out, you know? Thought I was ready to take on the world. Turns out, I was as prepared as a penguin at a beach party.

These past years have been like walking through a bad dream. I've seen things, Dad. Things that make those horror movies we used to laugh at seem like Saturday morning cartoons. Friends lost to drugs, lives shattered by violence, and my girlfriend... God, I wish you were here when that happened. You always knew what to say, even when the words seemed impossible to find.

I've had days where I felt like I was treading water in an ocean of chaos. Remember how you used to say, "Life can be a tough crowd, but don't let them steal your show"? Well, it feels like the crowd's been throwing some pretty hard punches lately.

I miss your advice. You had this way of cutting through the nonsense, laying out the hard truths while making me feel like everything would be alright. I could use some of that now. There's so much I want to ask you, so much I want to tell you.

I was wrong, Dad. About a lot of things. I thought I knew it all, that I was ready to face the world on my own. But the truth is, I wasn't. Not even close. And now, with you gone, I realize just how much I relied on you. Not just for advice, but for that sense of security, knowing you were always there, a phone call away.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I miss you. More than I ever thought possible. You were my rock, my safe harbor in every storm. And now, with you gone, I'm learning to navigate these rough waters on my own. It's not easy, and there are days I feel like I'm sinking, but I'm trying. Trying to be the man you believed I could be.

They say time heals all wounds, but I'm not sure that's true. I think we just learn to live with the scars. And while I wish you were here, I know you're watching over me. Maybe giving me that look when I mess up, but also cheering me on from the sidelines.

So here's to you, Dad. To the lessons you taught me, the love you gave, and the memories that will live on in my heart. You may not be here in person, but I carry a piece of you with me every day.

Until we meet again,
Your son

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