Thursday, December 14, 2023

Lost Loyalty

You held my heart, once whole and pure,
A loyalty unyielding, love secure.
An ally strong, through thick and thin,
My life for yours, no question within.

But deception's veil now casts its shade,
Your lies a web, your truth betrayed.
To shield your deeds, a wedge you drive,
Between a man and those in whom he thrives.

Behind your family, you hide in fear,
Playing the victim, shedding a tear.
But know this well, your actions remain,
And karma's scales their balance maintain.

Years ago, the seeds were sown,
A life unfilled, a barren throne.
This fate you face, a subtle sting,
A sweeter vengeance, justice it will bring.

For time will tell, the truth will rise,
And bare your face to all their eyes.
No need for rage, for anger's flame,
Karma's hand, it whispers your name.

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