Monday, December 11, 2023

I Can Still Hear It

Tick tock, tick tock, the clock mocks me with its relentless rhythm. The day draws near, a looming shadow cast over my future. Anticipation claws at my insides, a tangled web of excitement and fear.

The closer it gets, the more the nervousness gnaws at me. It's a familiar beast, one I've tried to tame for weeks now. But it's no use fighting it anymore. This is necessary, the only option left. It's the most humane course of action, a chilling phrase that somehow brings a strange comfort.

With each tick of the clock, the knot in my stomach tightens. Yet, alongside it, a bizarre sense of peace descends. It's unsettling, this calmness in the face of such a life-changing event, yet I welcome it.

Perhaps it's the acceptance of the inevitable, the acknowledgement that some things are beyond our control. Perhaps it's the glimmer of hope that lies beyond, the promise of a future where things can be silenced.

Whatever the reason, I cling to this newfound serenity. It's a fragile thing, easily shattered by doubt, but it's all I have. In the face of the unknown, it's my only anchor.

So, I let the clock tick on, its monotonous rhythm a soundtrack to my swirling thoughts. I embrace the fear, the anticipation, and the strange peace that washes over me. This is my journey, and I will face it head-on, one tick at a time all the way up to the very last tick tock.

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