Saturday, December 9, 2023


I Will Not Be Bullied!

Yo, Diary, whatever you are...

Listen, I'm just yelling into the void here, not sure if anyone's listening. Maybe you're just a figment of my imagination, a shadow, or just the cosmic wastebasket. Either way, you're the only one who hears me scream my head off about this Antonella mess.

Weeks ago, she called me up, dropping bombs about loans and credit cards And that she was told that I filled an application out in her name and then if I didn’t stop she would call the police well my answer was call the police cause it wasn’t me I’m not that stupid she’s rat she snitches on everybody. I was out with a friend, trying to chill, and boom, there it is. It was like opening Pandora's box. Days later, loan requests flooded my Inbox like a damn tsunami. Ridiculous, right? Coincidence?

I knew it was her, her twisted way of getting back at me. Look, if being around me hurts her, I love her enough to step aside. But she won't leave me alone. I sent emails, warned her, begged her to stop this madness. "Get someone else to do this," I said, "or I'm reporting you."

I know, using threats isn't ideal, but hey, I'm desperate. I don't want anyone to get in trouble, especially not someone I still care about. But clearly, the affection isn't mutual. The way she treated me, like I was some enemy or trash… it still hurts. Yet, I gave her the benefit of the doubt, and tried to warn her until yesterday.

Yesterday, I got a voicemail. No words, just music and the unmistakable sound of a gun being chambered. Creepy, right? It's bad enough when she joked about me being a dead man if anyone found out about our marriage. Now, I'm getting gun-related threats?

Look, I'm not perfect. I've made mistakes, but this? This is beyond messed up. It makes me want to prepare for war, stock up on canned food and a 45 caliber. But the thought of a gun in my house scares me, especially with my mental state.

I can't take myself out, and I sure as hell won't let anyone else do it. I just want peace, man. No weapons, no threats, just some damn peace of mind.

So, Antonella, and anyone else trying to play me, listen up. I hear your threats, I feel your fear, but I'm not going down without a fight. You won't break me. I'm stronger than you think, and I'll find a way to overcome this darkness.

This is my middle finger to the madness. This is my fight for my sanity.

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