Monday, May 10, 2021


Well, here I sit at my dad's graveside wondering where everything went so fucking wrong. 

You know sometimes hindsight is 20/20 and it fits into this scenario very well. My wife told me not too long after my dad was diagnosed with cancer that I should see a therapist and get ready. Now, why would I need to do that?  I thought I was like my dad strong, steadfast, and not wavering in my faith. 

Fuck was I wrong!

 Never did I imagine the pain and the loneliness that I would feel when I lost my father. I've made some bad decisions lately some that I don't think he would be proud of.  however, I can tell him one thing if you can hear me now " you'll be proud soon cuz I'm on the mend and I'm going to come back stronger and more resilient than I've ever been before". I just hope some of the damage that I've caused is not irreparable.

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