Thursday, March 19, 2020

What to do with this nightmare in my head?

I have irrevocably done it. I finally chose to see a psychiatrist, and I'm not sure how this journey is going to end. She wishes that I journal my thoughts, my feelings, or whatever comes to mind. She's asking me to do something that I've never felt safe doing, not since the incident.

The truth of it is I don't know where to start. Do I start somewhere in the middle and fill in the pieces? Do I start at the beginning of this hellish nightmare that I've been living for over 30 years?

By the way, if you're offended by profanity or details about molestation, then don't follow this journal. I've decided to finally let the truth out the Horus funking nightmares and the darkness that has ensued and tried to take over my mind over the years.

If you stay or if you go, I guess it's time to enter into the what I call "TheRabbit Hole."

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