Saturday, February 22, 2025

My surroundings

Well, journal, it's been a better week than I thought.

Met another couple today, and that was just amazing. As we were sitting and talking about motorcycles, hunting, and such, I knew the man looked familiar. Come to find out, when I broke down about a month ago or more, he was one of the people who pulled over and offered gas or to help tow me home. Small world. It’s moments like these that make me realize just how interconnected everything can be, how paths cross in ways we never expect.

Ever since moving out of Roanoke and getting away from the nasty areas of Fort Worth, I've met some damn good people. For so long, I let some ugly people into my life—people who were rotten to the core. I even dated some of the ugliest souls on the planet. And I don’t mean ugly on the outside, but pure ugly on the inside. It’s strange to reflect on those times and recognize how different things are now. Back then, I was surrounded by negativity, deception, and betrayal. I convinced myself that I had to tolerate that kind of company because I didn’t deserve better, but that was a lie I told myself for too long.

What a contrast from the people I used to be around. The truly good-hearted people that are surrounding me nowadays—it sure is a blessing. Feels like God is making up for lost time, bringing the right people into my life when I need them the most. I find myself laughing more, enjoying the simple things in life again, and not having to constantly watch my back or second-guess the intentions of those around me. There’s a kind of peace in that, a sense of security I hadn’t known in years.

A new chapter, and a better one at that. I feel like I’m finally learning what it means to be surrounded by people who genuinely care, who offer kindness without expectation, and who remind me that there are still good people left in this world. It’s a refreshing change, and I’m grateful for every bit of it. Here’s to more days like this and fewer like the ones I left behind.

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