Saturday, July 13, 2024

Justice Time!

Well, journal, here we go again—arrested once more because of you-know-who! It’s exhausting and frustrating, but I’m holding on to the silver linings. First and foremost, my job has been an absolute blessing. It gives me stability, purpose, and a sense of normalcy in this chaotic storm. Despite everything, I’m thankful for the routine and support it provides.

On the legal front, there’s finally some good news. No more GPS required! That’s a huge weight off my shoulders. The constant surveillance was suffocating and made me feel like I had no control over my own life. Now, I can breathe a little easier and start to reclaim some of my freedom and privacy.

But the best part of all? I’ve got some serious support now. A few big hitters in the government have stepped up and are on my side. It feels like I finally have some powerful allies who see the truth and are willing to fight for me. It’s about time things started looking up. This battle is far from over, but for the first time in a long while, I feel like I’ve got a real shot at turning things around.

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