Sunday, February 4, 2024

My Journey

In a world where the glitter outshines the gold,  
A man stood tall, or so I'm told,  
With eyes that sought beyond the fold,  
For something real, a hand to hold.

He threw away the clutter, the needless greed,  
The stuff that we're told we absolutely need,  
A life of simplicity, his newfound creed,  
But deep within, a singular seed.

No towering stacks of green paper thin,  
Could quench the thirst that raged within,  
Not lavish feasts nor bottles of gin,  
Could fill the void, the silent din.

His heart, a desert, parched and wide,  
Searched for love, an elusive tide,  
A mirage that danced, just out of stride,  
Leaving him broken, nowhere to hide.

"Why?" he pondered, under starlit skies,  
As night's cold breath whispered soft goodbyes,  
"Is love so rare, a prize for the wise?  
Or am I flawed, in some unseen guise?"

He learned to laugh, to live, to play,  
Yet the hunger for love never swayed,  
An ache so deep, it colored his days,  
A puzzle missing a piece, always.

The world spun on, indifferent, vast,  
His quest for love, into the shadows cast,  
A man who sought not wealth amassed,  
But a simple connection, to hold fast.

So here's to the man who dared to eschew,  
The material, the vain, the false, the untrue,  
His journey for love, through and through,  
A quest not for many, but for the few.

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