Monday, January 8, 2024

When You Ignited My Soul

In the dance of life, under a starless sky so vast,  
Doris, you set my soul ablaze, a fire that will forever last.  
Never did I dream you'd look my way, in love's intricate dance,  
But then, oh then, you did! Capturing my soul in a single glance.

You held my heart, my everything, with a gentle, unwavering grip,  
Yet life, with its chaotic stride, made our love-filled boat tip.  
No guide had I, in love's labyrinth, lost without a chart,  
A soldier unprepared, with just a hopeful, wandering heart.

I gave it my all, Doris, with the pieces I had in hand,  
But love's enigma was a language I couldn't understand.  
If time could rewind, if I could traverse back to start,  
I'd be the fortress, the beacon, guarding our united heart.

Through the wars of love, where passions fiercely sway,  
I'd stand firm, Doris, leading us through the fray.  
But as fate spun its tale, in its unpredictable way,  
I lost you, my treasure, in life's tumultuous ballet.

Now I tread alone, with memories of you, so sweet, so true,  
Enduring the sting of knowing what I had – and lost – in you.  
In this ache, this eternal yearning, there lies a hidden grace,  
For loving and losing you, Doris, has forever marked my space.

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