Monday, January 29, 2024

In Search Of Love

In search of love, I yearn to find, 

A hand to hold, a heart entwined, 

To share my memories, old and new, 

And build a future, just us two.

I long for laughter, dance, and song,

With you, my love, where do you belong?

A question lingers in the starry night,

Who are you, dear one, my guiding light?

Our souls, they wander, searching wide,

For that moment when fate will decide,

When paths will cross, hearts will ignite,

In perfect harmony, our souls unite.

So, let's be patient, love will prevail,

In destined time, our ship will sail,

Until that day when our spirits soar,

In love's embrace, forevermore.

1 comment:

  1. This is so very true..Be patient and the right one will come in time. God loves ❤️ you the way you are and change is good forever one. You never know you might already know that person justvwait


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