Thursday, January 25, 2024

American? Not Me!

Here I am, once again, in the glorious battlefield of life. But this time, my adversary isn't some foreign threat; it's Antonella and her merry band of nuisances. Ah, the sweet sound of drama knocking at my door - it’s like an uninvited salesman who just won't take a hint.

I've decided I'm not going to engage. Why? Because I, a proud yet slightly disgruntled disabled veteran, refuse to waste my time on such trivial pursuits. It’s quite the spectacle, isn't it? Me, who's seen more than my fair share of combat boots and mud, being harassed by someone who probably couldn’t even locate the US on a map without assistance. 

And oh, the irony! Protected by the wealthy, the government, and politicians - the holy trinity of "Who Gives a Damn About Us." It seems like she's hit the jackpot, reaping all the benefits without even having to know the difference between the Constitution and a comic book. Did she stand up for our country? Swear to defend it? Nah, more like she won a golden ticket to spread her own brand of chaos and confusion. 

Let's have a moment of silence for the tragic comedy that is our government and military. I find myself wondering why I ever said I'd defend this circus. Once upon a time, I was proud to be an American citizen. Now? Well, let's just say if citizenships were like concert tickets, I'd be scalping mine to the highest bidder.

As for me, I'm planning my grand exit. This country? It’s like a party that’s gone on too long, and the host has passed out drunk. Time to find a new place to call home. Somewhere where the beer is cold, the people mind their own business, and the only drama is on TV, where it belongs.

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