Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Moving On

Don't Be Sad That I Am Gone

Don’t let tears fall, though I’ve taken my leave,
For my pain has ended; there’s no need to grieve.
The weight that I carried, the storms in my soul,
Have finally quieted; I am whole.

The darkness that lingered, the battles I fought,
Were lessons in life that time only taught.
Now peace surrounds me, as soft as a song;
Don’t be sad that I am gone.

Remember the laughter, the love that we shared,
The moments of kindness, the times that we cared.
Though my presence is missing, my spirit remains,
In whispers of wind and gentle rains.

Celebrate my freedom from struggle and strife,
For I’ve found a new, unburdened life.
So smile for me now, let sorrow implore,
Not for my absence, but that I hurt no more.

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