Friday, October 18, 2024

I Am Worthy

I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to finally understand that I deserve the better things in life. For so many years, I was living under this false impression that I didn’t deserve good things, like I somehow wasn’t worthy of happiness or respect. I look back now and realize how many trashy people—especially women—I allowed into my life. I gave my energy to people who didn’t deserve it, who offered nothing but drama and toxicity, and I accepted it like it was normal. I settled for the bare minimum, for less than what I actually needed or wanted, like I didn’t have the right to ask for more.

But something has shifted. Now, I wouldn’t even entertain them for a second. I wouldn’t give those same people the time of day if they tried to come back into my life. It’s crazy to me how much my perspective has changed. I see now just how trashy they were, and how far beneath me they really were. It’s not even about thinking I’m better than anyone—it's about recognizing that I am worth more, and I shouldn’t have to lower my standards or accept crap just to keep people around.

I’ve spent too long settling for mediocrity, convincing myself that it was all I deserved. But now I know that’s not true. I deserve more than just surviving. I deserve happiness, love, respect, and good people around me. From here on out, I’m raising the bar. No more letting trashy people into my life. I’m done settling for anything less than what I’m worth.

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