Sunday, August 18, 2024

Preparations Are Underway

Journal Entry: Preparations for the March to The Department Of Justice Washington, DC 

August 2024

The march isn’t starting today, but the groundwork is being laid. The idea of walking from Fort Worth to Washington, DC feels like a massive undertaking, but each step in the preparation process is bringing me closer to making it a reality.

Right now, it's all about logistics—planning the route, figuring out how to cover 48 miles each day for a total of 29 days, and making sure everything is in place for the live streams on TikTok. The goal is to make sure the world sees this journey, understands what I've been through, and watches as I march to demand justice.

This is strictly about justice. I’m tired of the wrongdoings that have been piled on me over the past year. It's time to make my voice heard, to stand up against the lies and the corruption, and to show that I won't be silenced. Enough is enough.

There's a lot to consider—where I'll rest each night, how to keep the momentum going, and ensuring I have the right gear to handle the journey. Every detail matters. This isn't just a walk; it's a statement.

I'm preparing mentally and physically, too. Fifty miles a day isn't a casual stroll—it's going to push me to my limits. But that's exactly what I need right now. This is a fight, and I'm ready to go the distance.

The support I've received so far has been incredible. Knowing that people will be tuning in, following along, and cheering me on during the march is giving me the strength to keep pushing forward.

As I finalize the details, I can feel the anticipation building. This march is going to be a testament to my resilience and determination. It's about showing Denton County, Tarrant County, and the world that I won’t back down.

When the time comes, I'll be ready to take that first step out of Fort Worth, live-streaming every mile, every challenge, and every victory. This is the calm before the storm, and I’m ready to make some noise.

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