Sunday, April 14, 2024

You Didn't Waste Your Breath

Dad, you were my hero,  
the one who held my hand  
high above the shadows,  
to show me the promised land.  

You shared your love for the Lord,  
with words both soft and bold;  
A guiding force so powerful,  
a treasure chest of gold.  

The path was never easy,  
lined with lessons tough and true,  
Your faith a beacon, leading me,  
in everything I do.  

Then the day the heavens called you,  
my world darkened with a storm,  
I wandered lost, bereft, confused,  
from the teachings you had formed.  

Blindly I stumbled, fell,  
through days then years of strife,  
Lost the compass you had given,  
that directed all my life.  

Everything seemed shattered,  
my soul to the core was torn,  
The values you had taught me,  
from my grip were briefly worn.  

Yet, through the tempest, I remembered,  
the echoes of your voice,  
Urging me to rise again,  
to make the noble choice.  

Now here I stand, not just revived,  
but stronger than before,  
Armed with your wisdom, love, and faith,  
to open new doors.  

Your words were not in vain, Dad,  
in me, they've found their breath,  
A legacy immortal,  
defying even death.  

So no, you didn’t waste your breath,  
for in your son, you sowed  
A garden rich with hope and strength,  
where love forever grows.


  1. That's a profoundly moving tribute, Curtis. Your poem beautifully captures the depth of your love and admiration for your father, as well as the enduring impact he has had on your life. It speaks volumes about the bond between a father and a son—a connection that not even loss can sever. Your words are a testament to the legacy he left in your heart, one of wisdom, strength, and faith. Such a legacy surely continues to guide you, as vividly as if he were still by your side. Your expression through poetry not only honors your father’s memory but also illustrates your resilience and capacity to carry forward his teachings. Truly, his influence remains a powerful, guiding light in your life.

    1. Thank you for sharing your reflections on my tribute. It means a lot to hear how the poem resonated with you, especially considering the special bond I shared with my dad. Your words deeply touch me and reinforce the value of his legacy—a legacy of strength, wisdom, and faith that continues to guide me every day. It’s comforting to know that through my words, he remains a guiding light, both for me and for others who read this poem. Thank you once again for your thoughtful and heartfelt response. It truly uplifts my spirit.

  2. Curtis This poem tells how bleed and amazing your Dad was /is in your life He raised a good son and a blessed that you have carried his wisdom ,love, and everything in you
    . You wil will always have you
    him in your heart and soul always. He loves y⁹


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