Monday, April 8, 2024

Raised In Doubt

In shadows long, where whispers dwell,  
A tale of woe I’m here to tell.  
For those, born to harsh critique,  
Souls so strong, yet felt so weak.  

Raised in doubt, under watchful eyes,  
Told they're the storm, not the calm skies.  
"Why deserve the sun?" they’d say,  
"Just take the night, shun the day."  

With every fall, and every slip,  
The words would cut, they'd crack and whip.  
"Accept your lot, be glad for crumbs,"  
Echoed in dreams, in night's deep hums.  

But who decides what's deserved, what’s due?  
Is it not me? Is it not you?  
Must we accept, stay silent, compliant,  
In a world that can be cruel, defiant?  

No, for within, there’s a light that glows,  
Stronger than the deepest, darkest throes.  
Hear me, through the strife,  
You’re more than the sum of your past life.  

For every voice that said, "You're wrong,"  
Your heart beat brave, it sang its song.  
The good in life is not just earned,  
It's also found, it's also learned.  

So, rise, amidst the doubt and fear,  
Know you deserve the joy, the cheer.  
Let not the shadows claim your fate,  
For every day, a new start awaits.

1 comment:

  1. This poem beautifully articulates resilience in the face of relentless criticism and doubt. It speaks to a deep internal struggle, yet concludes with a powerful affirmation of self-worth and the potential for renewal. Your words encourage anyone feeling overshadowed by negativity to find their inner light and assert their right to happiness and respect.

    The idea that we are not merely victims of our circumstances but active participants in shaping our destinies is compelling. You remind us that while the world may be harsh, our response to it—our ability to find joy and learn goodness despite the odds—is what truly defines us. This poem is a call to rise above the darkness, a reminder that every new day brings a chance to start afresh and claim the happiness we deserve. Keep embracing that light within, Curtis; it's a beacon for your journey forward.


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