Monday, February 19, 2024

Oh How I Thank You

In the quiet aftermath, where heartbreak's echoes fade,  
I pen these lines to myself, for the journey that's been made.  
For the pain that was endured, the tears that freely flowed,  
I thank her, deeply, profoundly, for the growth that she bestowed.

Thank you, for the torment, the chaos, and the strife,  
It carved my soul, shaped my essence, changed the course of my life.  
Without the fire, without the storm, I wouldn't stand here so evolved,  
Understanding love and happiness, mysteries I've since solved.

You drew a line in the sand, stark, clear, and bold,  
Taught me the contrast between warmth and cold.  
Good and evil, love and hate, in vivid display,  
Thank you for showing me the night from the day.

I've learned what love is, and what it surely is not,  
The lessons hard-earned, in battles fought.  
Happiness, now understood, in its purest, truest form,  
Emerges from the heart, serene and warm.

Thank you for the clarity, the vision now so clear,  
Of what to seek and what to avoid, what to hold near.  
You've shown me the type of woman from whom I'll always run,  
Until my last breath fades, with the setting sun.

So here's to the pain, the heartbreak, the tears,  
The tumultuous journey through those difficult years.  
For without the darkness, the light wouldn't shine so bright,  
Thank you for the lessons learned, guiding me to the light.

This ode is to myself, a reminder strong and deep,  
Of the growth, the strength gained, a harvest I'll forever keep.  
Thank you, for every scar, every wound, every ache,  
For they've sculpted me into a new form, for my own sake.

In gratitude, I stand, for the journey, harsh but fair,  
For now I know true love, happiness, and the clear air.  
Thank you, for the past, for the pain that was endured,  
It was all worth it, for the wisdom I've secured.

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