Friday, February 23, 2024

Don't Turn Me

In a world dimly lit by the flicker of hope,  
There wanders a man, on a tightrope he copes.  
With a heart wide open, love his only plea,  
A soul yearning for a bond, longing to be free.

He sees the light in the darkest of eyes,  
Offers his coin, his shirt, under the skies.  
From his plate, he'd give his last bite,  
For anyone in need, through day or night.

Yet, the world pushes, tests his resolve,  
Trying to turn him, his patience to dissolve.  
They prod and they poke, seeking a beast,  
Ignoring the love, on his kindness they feast.

But what they forget, in their careless spree,  
Is the power of hurt, the force it can be.  
For inside this man, there's a storm they've brewed,  
A fury contained, by his goodwill subdued.

He’s begged not to turn, not to unleash the storm,  
Not to transform into something far from his norm.  
For the rage that's pent up, if ever set free,  
Would carve out a path of destruction, they'd see.

A cautionary tale, a warning to all,  
To heed kindness and love, to answer its call.  
For everyone harbors a beast within,  
Held at bay by the love, the light from within.

So, let's cherish the man who gives all he can give,  
Who sees the good in all, and for love, he lives.  
For if ever he turns, in the face of disdain,  
The world will then mourn, under his pain's reign.  

Let this be a reminder, a lesson engraved,  
Of the power of love, and the hearts it has saved.  
For in each of us, lies the potential so vast,  
To choose love and kindness, as our paths are cast.

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