Friday, December 22, 2023

They Keep Trying

Alone, the sterile silence of my apartment amplifies the ache of isolation. Serenity, nurtured by a book's worn pages and soft music, shattered by a venomous message. Grotesque images and vicious words weave a web of fear, constricting my breath. Equilibrium seems impossible in the face of such malice.

Yet, defiance sparks. I push away from the screen's chilling abyss, the music my defiant roar. This night, isolation may be my companion, but resilience is my shield. In the quiet hum of normalcy, I find solace, and as dawn paints the sky, hope rekindles. The digital night may hold horrors, but the sun will rise, casting shadows back into the darkness.

But mark my words. This is but temporary. I can't honestly say that I can hold out very much longer. Every dog will bite you if pushed too much.

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