Thursday, November 30, 2023

can you say deregulated?

I'm feeling a lot of anger and frustration right now. I feel like I'm being attacked and manipulated, and I don't know why. I'm trying to stay calm, but it's hard when I feel like I'm constantly being pushed and prodded.

I know that I have my own mental health issues to deal with, but I'm not the only one. Everyone has their own problems, and I'm tired of being blamed for everything. I'm just trying to survive, and it feels like she's making it impossible.

I'm not going to let her win. I'm going to take back control of my life, and I'm not going to let her make me feel bad about myself anymore. I'm worth more than that.

I only wished I had her address so I could send this letter that I wrote. I've emailed it to various emails and sent it to various phone numbers that she has a history of. I don't know she's gotten it but here it is.

Dear Antonella,

I am writing to you today because I can no longer bear the pain you are causing me. Ever since I told you that I would not marry Jose's mom, you have made my life a living hell.

I was willing to forgive you for cheating on me, but I cannot forgive you for prostituting yourself while we were in a relationship. That was a betrayal of trust that I cannot overlook.

I know that you may not have made the best choices in the past, but you can choose to make better choices now. Please, leave me alone so that I can move on with my life.

I am not asking you to forget about me, but I am asking you to respect my decision to end our relationship. I hope that one day you will be able to make amends for the pain you have caused me, but until then, I need you to stay out of my life.

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