Saturday, July 1, 2023

You are the most beautiful

She is truly an exquisite sight to behold, the epitome of beauty in my eyes. From her enchanting brown eyes that sparkle with warmth to her adorable nose, those lovely sweet lips, and that flawlessly proportioned body, she is a masterpiece of the finest art.

Yet, she transcends all comparisons, for she holds a special place in my heart. Always at the pinnacle of my affections, she reigns as my number one, forever occupying the top spot on my chart. Every moment spent away from her feels incomplete; I yearn to be in her presence, to feel the rhythm of her heartbeat, to caress her tenderly, to taste the sweetness of her kiss, and to hear the gentle melody of her breath. She is my eternal companion, forever close to my side, and eternally mine. Until the very end, I wish to be hers, devoted until death do us part.

And even beyond the boundaries of mortality, my love for her knows no bounds. No distance can ever keep me away, for she alone holds the key to my heart. With her, I shall journey through life, cherishing every precious moment we share.

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